True Gospel Tabernacle is now open for worship service at the following location:
11 o’clock AM.
1923-27 Tasker Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
July 11, 2021 Gift of Life Donor Program
Congratulations to Bishop McNear, Organ Donation Advocate and former Gift of Life Board Member, and Philadelphia FIGHT on their recognition by the Center for Disease Control as the 1st Million Hearts Exemplar! We share your mission to save-lives throughout Philadelphia.
“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. ” Psalm 34:3
A Christian Response to
“If my People who are called by my name will humble themselves and Pray ….Then will I heal the Land” 2Chronicles 7:14
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
In this time of global unrest brought on by the COVID – 19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, many saints as well as the world are suffering and experiencing things that they never experienced before. This virus has brought such catastrophic results to our country in such a short period of time that the authorities of this state and city have forbidden gatherings of any kind in an effort to keep all people safe. Schools, jobs, sports and entertainment have been shut down to help stop the spread of this infectious disease. Therefore, at True Gospel Tabernacle there will be no formal worship services, grade school, daycare, weddings, funerals or any of the many ministries that we provide until further notice is given.
Please know that, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” 2Cor. 10:4
Beginning Sunday, March 29, 2020, I will be in the sanctuary from 11:00 am until 12:30 p.m. praying for the people of God and their families, and that the Lord would heal our land. “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you”.
The altar will be open for this brief period of time. Anyone who feels led to join us please use the office entrance at 1606 Mifflin Street by ringing the bell. There will be someone to let you in.
Finally, please remember that you can still worship by the giving of your tithes and offerings. Click here to give by Paypal, CashApp: ($tgtmissions) or simply drop off or mail your gift. The church needs your support spiritually and financially now more than ever. Thank you, God bless you and may heaven smile upon you.
Bishop Ernest McNear
The Death of George Floyd and FIGHT’s response
A Statement From Philadelphia FIGHT Board President Bishop Ernest McNear and Chief Executive Officer Jane Shull about the death of George Floyd and FIGHT’s response (read more)
62 Assisted Living Facilities near Philadelphia, PA (read more)

Upcoming Events
From The Gallery
Bishop McNear & 1st Lady Barbara
Bishop McNear in Ghana
Honoring Bishop McNear
Happy New Year!
From The Blog

“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.”
This is the motto of True Gospel Tabernacle How I desire is to be in the perfect will of God, do his will and fulfill our calling to the world. TGTFC is a word believing and a word performing church that believes in the power of the holy Spirit to serve our community and beyond.